K-12 Plans
Comprehensive and affordable plans for middle and high school students
Gold Plan
$100 deductible
$100 deductible
$100 deductible
$100 deductible
- No Lifetime Limits On Benefits
- $1,000,000 per Person per Policy Year
- Coinsurance: 80% In-Network, 70% Out-Network
- Preventive Care
- Mental Health coverage
- Prescription Drug Card: $20 copay/ $40 copay/ 60%
- Intramural, Interscholastic & Club Sports
- Pre-ex Conditions - $2500 benefit; No exclusion after 6-mos
- Medical Evacuation & Repatriation - 100%
- COVID is treated like any other sickness
Platinum Plan
$100 deductible
$100 deductible
$100 deductible
$100 deductible
- Unlimited Maximum & Lifetime Benefit
- Out-of-Pocket Maximum $6350 / policy year
- Coinsurance: 80% In-Network, 70% Out-Network
- Preventive Care Services
- Mental Health coverage
- Prescription Drug Card: $20 copay/$40 copay/ 60%
- Interscholastic,Intramural & Club Sports
- Pre-ex Conditions - No limits
- Evacuation & Repatriation - 100% for services provided
- Pediatric Dental & Vision
- COVID is treated like any other sickness
Our High School plans are designed for F1 international students attending either middle or high school. Students as young as 12 can enroll as long
as they are actively attending classes. Two different levels of benefits offered to meet your desired level of coverage.